Friday, September 5, 2008

The Gotcha Moment

It took us a few days to get caught up, but we thought we'd share this moment with you.

This was "Gotcha Day."

On August 18, we drove to the registration office in Wuhan, and there they started bringing in the babies. Mark was shooting the video when the representatives from the orphanage in Chibi handed Pu Fu Na to Beth. I guess you could say this was Merrilee's "delivery..."

1 comment:

Billy & Nikki said...

That caused tears to come to my eyes once again. Unfortunately, the video we shot of that wonderful moment was erased on our CD somehow before we could finalize it. Good to see you guys doing so well and I love all the great videos you guys are getting on the blog. Miss ya.

Billy, Nikki and Kassidy