Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Two P’s and Noah’s Ark

Packing and Paperwork.

It seems to be occupying all of our free time right now.
We have lists for everything – things to do at work before we leave, things to do at home before we leave, things to pack, lists to remind us of the lists,etc…

As you can see, Beth is the packer.
The entire floor of the baby’s room is covered with stuff we’re packing.
And GLAD is getting rich off of us. It seems like everything we’re taking will be safely wrapped in a ziplock bag.

Mark is the paperwork guy. The moment we have something new from our adoption agency, he has to print it and read it, regardless of the hour of the day or night. (Of course, when he’s at work, he fights the temptation and waits until he gets home.

We had a pleasant surprise last week from Uncle Bart and Cousin Eliza in Arkansas. Merrilee received a nice gift from them. It is the cutest little Noah’s Ark play set. We just know Merrilee will love it...

As you can see, Beth already has it set up on Merrilee’s toy chest.

Every now and then while Mark is downstairs blogging in the dining room, you’ll hear Beth upstairs in the baby’s room declaring, “I just love these toys!”

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