Thursday, August 14, 2008

No Trip is Possible Without Some Airline Issue

Hiccup in travel

Our flight from Tokyo to China was cancelled.

We have been rebooked. We are on the same NW flight (27 to Tokyo) arriving in Tokyo at 5:05 pm. Then we have been rebooked onto Japan Airlines flight 669 from Tokyo to Guangzhou. We will arrive in Guangzhou at 10:10pm which is actually a little earlier than planned. All 25 people who had that leg of the flight cancelled are supposed to be rebooked on the Japan Airlines flight. We have called CCAI to notigy them

If you are in our travel group and see this...please call CCAI

The journey continues...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


T n' W said...

Oh my goodness!! Hopes things are going better now.

Angelica said...

Have a great last leg of the trip and hopefully you get some rest when you get there.

Sharon Jones said...

Don't panic...Merrilee still waits for you. Keep your faith. Everything at home is fine. I've never been so excited to wait for a "Monday" in my life. Love you guys.
